Search Results
ML Lunch (Sept 15): Privacy Preserving Neural Network Prediction on Encrypted Data
OM PriCon2020: Private AI: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data - Kristin Lauter
CryptoNets Applying Neural Networks to Encrypted Data - Dr. Ran Gilad Bachrach
Private AI: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data - Kristin Lauter, Microsoft
Michael Gajda: Towards a Privacy-Preserving Neural Network
Nigel Cannings encrypted deep learning a guides to privacy preserving speech processing
TF-Encrypted: Private machine learning in tensorflow with secure computing | AISC Lunch & Learn
Privacy-Aware Neural Network Classification & Training
ABY3: A Mixed Protocol Framework for Machine Learning
Lightweight Privacy Preserving Training and Evaluation for Discretized Neural Networks
Neural Cryptography
Nicolas Papernot | A Marauder's Map of Security and Privacy in Machine Learning